Letter of Chairman
Dear friends,
Our foundation is a global institution aware of the lack of leadership around the world, and knows how costly it can be. With the help of our partners around the world, and supported by the government, private foundations, individuals and business funds, we are in an effort of fundraising to assist the subjects of the foundation. The EBS Foundation, Inc. is a public/charity foundation which is committed by its Mission, to help excellent and needy students, scholars and the community to advance socially throughout education. Therefore, it is possible to form new world leaders who can contribute to the community with their knowledge and expertise, mainly in training in public management.
The main role of our philanthropy program, such the ones EBS Foundation support, is to make bets on promising solutions that government and businesses are incapable to carry on. We are always optimistics about a better world, as long as new leaders committed with people are at the center of all decisions.
The majority of the Foundation’s grant money will be generated through an annual fund-raiser programs that include the biggest foundations. The financial success of these fund-raisers is very much due to those individuals and companies who underwrite a significant portion of the expenses associated with each event. I am very proud that with the help of your generosity almost 90% of the monies will be raised and allocated for grant distribution. The Board of Trustees is composed of four energy executives who as a group, direct the business of the Foundation, which includes all fund-raising activities, the approval of aid requests, as well as the administration and finance needs of the Foundation.
On behalf of the board, volunteers and staff, I would like to thank all of you in advance, for the support you will give us, over the next months and years and look forward to continuing our relationship in the future. It is truly appreciated by all.
Prof. Judas T. Grassi Mendes, Ph.D.